It´s said that distribution centers look like a beehive, due to its frenetic activity that is inside. It could be right. We wanted to know what gives this controversial online shop to their 200 million customers, but only for those objects related to bees or honey. Viewing the difference between shops in different countries where Amazon offers its products, we can have a better understand of beekeeping in those countries.
– Amazon Australia. Tens of physical and digital books talking about the healing properties of honey, novels with the title of the hive, beekeeping courses … from this offer we select a children’s book, «The elephant WHO wanted to be a bee». His argument is as follows: the elephant is allergic to flowers she likes to eat. What can she do? Very clearly, become a bee and thus solve their problems with flowers. A rel bee really will advise the elephant in the process of conversion. His first advice is: «overcoming difficulties transforms you.» This is what the elephant will learn.
Introducing the word «bee», «honey» or «beehive» in the search box of Amazon, we get hundreds of results whichs are usually associated with bee books, mainly focused on beekeeping or the famous bee Maya, and other related children’s literature, almost always accompanied by the information that helps us decide, as price, comments from readers, and other options offered by the same book: new, used, hardcover, in digital …
Besides books, looking at the long list, we have found these «curiosities».
– Amazon Spain. Many books, honey spoons, applications for mobile games inspired by bees, an album of Camarón de la Isla entitled «Colt of rage and honey», wall stickers with bees…Among this offer of thousands of references we select one called pastry mold for bee lovers. With one of them we can make cakes with hive-shape or hexagonal shaped cookies.
– Amazon Australia. Tens of physical and digital books talking about the healing properties of honey, novels with the title of the hive, beekeeping courses … from this offer we select a children’s book, «The elephant WHO wanted to be a bee». His argument is as follows: the elephant is allergic to flowers she likes to eat. What can she do? Very clearly, become a bee and thus solve their problems with flowers. A rel bee really will advise the elephant in the process of conversion. His first advice is: «overcoming difficulties transforms you.» This is what the elephant will learn.
– Amazon Brazil. Among the range of CDs and books, case with bees and flowers for the i-phone, we chose the discs of Brazilian group «Kid Abelha». Kid Abelha is a pop / rock group from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, formed by Paula Toller (lead vocals), George Israel (sax, guitar and vocals) and Bruno Fortunato (electric and acoustic guitar). One of the most important útlimos Brazilian bands of last 30 years.
– Amazon China. Bee costumes, Bee brand cards, and most surprising, honey imported from France, Australia, Italy, for the country’s biggest exporter and producer of honey worldwide. We chose as object the pocket cards of bee brand, which reflects the chinese passion for playing pocker.
– Amazon Germany. Provides selection of honeys in their outstanding deals. The most curious, cocoa honey, figs in honey, honey with ginger, honey with cinnamon, acacia honey with vanilla or honey with natural coffee flavor. Other offerings, Tasmanian honey, manuka honey comb … We chose in this shop a wooden stamp to be used by beekepers in honey jars label.
– Amazon Canada. Honeys of all kinds and origins, honey spoons, honey dispensers, barbecue sauces with honey, hundreds of books on bees, honey and beekeeping. Besides kit manuka honey from New Zealand for the traveler, ie, packaged in envelopes to avoid problems, and our favourite, label with bee to be sticked in car windows, home or in your computer.
– Amazon France. Offers honey cookbooks, organic honey wax, bee costumes for people and pets, beekeeper suits … What caught our It called our attention its hives for wild and solitary bees.Big offer with different models for insect hotels.Some clients seem unhappy because several months after being placed in the garden there´s no tenants.
– US Amazon. Big choice of cosmetic products of the hive, honey of all kinds and origin, cups for tea or coffee with bees, books of traditional and urban beekeeping, smokers and all kinds of beekeeping equipment, subscription to American Bee Journal, beekeeper suits for the child, and of course, the movie and the game of «Bee movie». This time we stayed with bees pajamas for children. 100% cotton pajamas, and yes, made in China.
If the bee pajamas for children has not left you satisfied, a game for children, where the different phases of life of a honey bee in each stage of development are modeled, from egg, to larva, pupa and finishing in the adult bee.
– Amazon India. Candles, books and novels, cosmetic bee venom, but ideally for the holidays, these bee glasses.
– Amazon Japan. Many jewelry shaped bees, Bee Gees albums. We have selected the packaging bear shaped honey.
– Amazon Italy. Honey dispensers, honey spoons … And weird, no honey offer in the web.
– Amazon Mexico, in this country the Amazon site has only books. Thus, we have chosen this one related to honey and health.
– Amazon UK. They sell it as a gift to thank beekeepers or lovers of bees. It is a metal sheet with bee theme, and claim that is produced locally.
A second object that we like, a bag with seeds taht once planted, will bring flowers loved by bees. They come from the British local flora.
– Brief history of the company. started in 1994 as a small shop that offered the purchase of books through Internet, the owner and lead manager, Jeff Bezos. Now its sales catalog has expanded, incorporating almost everything imaginable, and surprising us every year with more offers. Amazon wants to eliminates intermediaries to offer better prices to their customers, which has contributed to the closure of many physical stores, not only in the book sector. «The danger is no progress» and «is easier to invent the future thai its prediction». Amazon loves trying to figure out what we buy and when. Bezos considered a unique advantage of electronic commerce, the power to make purchase recommendations displayed next to the item. Its shop right now are not just books, but includes jewelrys spare parts, films. music and so on.
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