The life of collectors has evolved considerably in recent years. There are lots of web pages dedicated to the buying and selling of collectibles and not just in your inner circle, it is now possible with the whole world. So preparing this article on collecting with bees, we have found very easy to find a good amount of bees, bumble bees and hives related to chance, fortune and wealth.
- National Lottery Spain. It was created by the governants of 1811, as one more way to raise money. With the inclusion of images, in addition to more attractive lottery tickets, they could enlighten the population or draw attention to any celebration or event. Series dedicated to the discovery of America, pre-Columbian art, great inventions of history, or series of Iberian flora and fauna.
Beekeeping lottery ticket. Year 1978, within the series dedicated to natural resources. A bee, a flower and a beehive.
Lottery ticket dedicated to the canarian black bee.Included in fauna series. It is emphasized that this bee has been adapted for thousands of years to the flora of the Canary Islands ago, with very productive results and gentle behaviour. On the island of La Palma retains its higher degree of purity. It is speculated that the arrival of this bee 200,000 years ago in a trunk coming from the African continent. Today Canary Islands struggle to preserve its purity, after many years of living with the foreign bee.
National lottery ticket with bumblebee. Series iberian fauna. Year 2007. Bombus terrestris, one of the first pollinator species of wild and cultivated plants. One tribute to this pollinator, still abundant in the Iberian peninsula, but little appreciated by the population.
Lottery ticket dedicated to the bee eater. Iberian fauna, year 2007. Many beekeepers don´t like to see this «friend» even in paintings. Such it´s their beauty and color combination, that neither philately nor emissions of lottery tickets can avoid printing it.
- Australian lotteries. For years has most of its revenue through the Internet. The government granted licenses to private companies to sell products.Ticket «scratch» Bee luck. Pun in English playing with «Be lucky» and «Bee lucky». Year 2013. Only by scratching in the honey jar to see your luck.
- New Zealand Lotteries. The New Zealand lotteries commission is responsible for the issue of lotteries in this country. Profit is administered by a foundation and is intended for social purposes (art, sport, social projects …).
Scratch Ticket New Zealand bee. Games only for those over 18 years.
- Lotteries in the United States. At the time of the pioneers, the profits from gambling were used to build new colonies and settlements. Its validity as fundraising and easy method of getting money, were called into question by the followers of certain religions. Today, most of the states run its own lottery.
Texas scratch ticket. They introduced in the early 70s, are known as instant lottery tickets. Good source of revenue for states that use it.
In this case we go to bingo. Some hives full of numbers and prizes, bees bring money, by The Idaho lottery (2014).
- UK National Lottery. Since 1994, the British lottery system is operated by the company Camelot. Part of the profits goes to the foundation Big Lottery, to be invested in «good causes». Prizes not taxable.
Scratch cards. Designed from 2005 to 2009. honey spoons, hives and combs or honey jars to achieve good prizes. Again we played with similar pronunciation in English between the verb be and the Eenglish word for bee.
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