First thing to know is what we mean by » urban art «or «street art». Under this concept we include everything that encompasses the various artistic expressions that are represented in the street, as a way of protest or as a simple artistic representation in popular and traditional culture.
Its creators try to send a critical message to society , surprise, make a political critique or just create something beautiful.
Although graffiti is one of the most popular expressions of urban art , street theater or street music are also worthy representatives .
Graffiti is defined as signs or circumstantial drawings, quirky aesthetic, made with aerosols on a wall or other sturdy surface.
Arise in the way we know them in the city of New York in the 70s of last century , spreading around the world.
Mieladictos like the graffiti collective Pipsqueak was here!!! for his special love for bees and bumblebees.
Influenced by everything they see , they have included in their work honey bees and bumblebees.Their message is often a wake-up call to people, inspired by social trends, the world and its problems.
Location : Amsterdam . Student hotel.
Authors Name : Pipsqueak was here !!!
Title of work : Paper , scissor and rock .
Dimensions : 4 stories high
Pipsqueak are two artists, William and Denise. We wanted to ask the authors about how bees came inside the message they want to convey and why they chose the facade of a new modern hotel to paint it.
– How do you plan what you are going to paint? New hotels are a good place to show your work?
The image you saw as a mural was beforehand planned in a drawing. We made a drawing to fit the spaces on each side of the big central windows.The images were collaged and combined until we liked the image. We use a variety of stencils and take measurements to get every part in the right place.
The hotel seems to be a great spot, you noticed it, didn’t you? It is the first time we paint up a hotel, so no experience on that behalf. It is great that this mural gives people from all over the world a small peek into our painting.
– Why did you include bees and bumblebees in your paintings? What do you want to transmit with them?
The image includes the bees because we realize the great importance of this lovely animal.It plays an important role which is resembled in the title.Paper, scissors, rock is an illustration of the struggle between forces of nature and their relations.Everything in nature is related but the title suggests the ongoing struggle.We hope to put an emphasis on the value of peaceful co-existence.
To see the video of how did this work, click on the image . And to discover other works ,visit the website of Pipsqueak was here !!!
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