Habitat. From this bumblebee we can say that his «name» humilis, translated from latin as close to the ground and that is about it, refers to often build their nests between the base of the tall grass, especially in sunny locations. Neither rule galleries housing below the soil surface that mice have built and then abandoned.
The nest is essentially a ball of dry grass and moss, with wax cells inside. The building material is collected by the queen alone when it starts with the nest, and then is helped by her daughters first workers. Spend your life in an area of about 10 square kilometers, preferably in areas of rich meadow flowers. It extends across Europe, and is reported its existence in Central Asia. Its population is declining in countries where industrial agriculture does not respect his favorite spaces and promotes monocultures over the variety. As an aid, seed mixes her favorite flowers such as clover and vetch are sold, and there are campaigns to encourage settlements in our gardens and orchards. For his long tongue will flowers with long corolla.
Appearance. Queen, workers and drones females differ in their appearance. Queen as both males or drones have the same length, from 16 to 18 mm, while the working females are smaller, between 10 and 15 mm. The Bombus humilis is a lot like other bees like Bombus Bombus muscorum pascuorum or, so identification requires good knowledge and proper patience. Therefore, this article would not have been possible without the help of Urs, who have turned when we were very lost.
Yellow-orange in the chest. It has a transverse band feature in the upper abdomen dark brown.
Class: Insect / Order Hymenoptera / Family: Apidae / Genre: Bombus
How is the life of Bombus humilis. Form annual colonies, and only fertilized females survive summer to winter to start new nests in spring. During April-May can observe its first flights after the queens have left their shelters where they spent the winter. The first workers appear in June and will work until September, and then die. Hatchlings will feed on pollen and nectar. The males or drones appear in August and September to fertilize the queens well protected during the winter, re-start a new colony. Males do not bite and have longer antennae. Colonies can get to stay at its peak, a population between 50 and 100 insects.
Parasite Bombus humilis. Parasitism has been documented by other bumblebee, Bombus campestris on. Each of the females of this parasitic species searches and invades a colony of bees humilis, kills the queen, and lays its eggs, forcing workers orphan queen, to take care of new larvae.
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